The idea of a podcast on Artificial intelligence and law was born from the need to answer to important questions on rules that regulate this new technology.
Many States are moving towards issuing laws to establish limits and conditions of its development and those who create and invest in this field does not always have a clear vision on what their horizons are.
The issues to address are many. I will begin by examining questions such as if artificial intelligence infringes author’s rights of the text and images it is being trained on, whether the works generated are copyright protected and, if so, who is the owner. I will deal with the possibility of patenting inventions on artificial intelligence and what we must do to respect legal conditions of the terms of Use of the main AI systems.
These are only some of the questions I will try to answer in this podcast, but I will tell you much more, starting from explaining, in a straightforward way, what artificial intelligence means and how does it work.
The podcast will be in Italian.