Laura Turini

Writing about artificial intelligence and everything that is new is my passion




We are the Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is a human-made work. We can trust or fear it if we trust or fear our nature.
What is artificial intelligence and how does it work? I will talk about all of it in this podcast, but I’ll start off by asking a few questions.
Is it creative? Does it really infringe author’s copyright on text and images used to train it? This is the starting point of my new podcast on Artificial intelligence and copyright where I will try to address important issues on legal and ethical rules governing this new technology. One episode at a time.


I have been writing since when I was first given a pen and I keep doing it on a keyboard. For work I deal with new technologies, copyright, patents and trademarks but I read all kinds of texts, from books on psychoanalysis to research on quantum physics, to classical literature and poetry.
Here is a list of my latest articles and books, already published and upcoming.


I plan constantly and this one is the latest of my creations. I help companies to defend their trademarks, patents, designs, copyrights and software every day with my team. I created to make the protection of intellectual property accessible to everyone and I founded the online magazine to share the knowledge on this field. Because we are all creative.


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